What is the Juvenile Court (SCJM)?
There are currently twelve juvenile courts in Connecticut. They are referred to as Superior Court, Juvenile Matters (SCJM). These courts are at the Superior Court level. They may be in the same building as another court, such as in New Britain, where the family court, civil court and adult criminal court is also located, or the Court could be a stand-alone place, such as with SCJM Hartford.
It is important that you introduce yourself to court staff.
DCF files cases on behalf of children at Superior Court, Juvenile Matters. SCJM deals with cases involving child protection and juvenile delinquency cases. While DCF is not a party to delinquency cases, for a number of years, it was involved with children after they were committed to DCF as a delinquent child.
All cases heard at SCJM are confidential. No jury trials. All trials are heard by the Court.
Since SCJM is a Superior Court, trials concerning Neglect/Abuse petitions are heard there. Appeals of these cases are heard by the Connecticut Appellate Court and the State of Connecticut Supreme Court.